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Tips for Staying Warm in the Cold

Here are some tips for staying warm in the cold! We hope they are of help as our clients have been telling us how much worse they have it all over Canada and the States, in Saskatchewan, Calgary, Montana, etc.! Brrrr.

“Hypothermia and frostbite can be avoided by following the guidelines below:

Layer clothing Build breathable (cotton, wool) clothing layers to include thermal underwear, undershirt, track suits, sweaters, snowsuits, winter boots, hats, mittens and scarves.

Cover exposed skin Exposed skin can become frostbitten in as little as 30 seconds, always cover exposed skin especially when the wind is a factor.

Keep moving Try to limit the time sitting. Stand up and move around to allow circulation to reach better reach all body parts.

Blankets and portable seat/cushion Sitting on cold pavement or concrete can increase the risk of hypothermia. Sitting on a blanket or portable seat will limit the risk.

Drink fluids Dehydration can occur even when the temperature is below freezing. Hot chocolate is a great way to remain well hydrated.

Avoid alcoholic beverages Alcohol diminishes the body’s ability to feel the cold and can cause an increased exposure time.

Signs of hypothermia Confusion, lethargy, weakness, apathy, pale skin colour.

Signs of frostbite Pale grey, waxy textured skin in affected area cold to the touch, numbness and localized pain, swelling and blistering.”


Source: Toronto Emergency Medical Services
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