Tiff, 42, Accountant
Tiff is 42 years old. She works as an Accountant and is financially secure. She is very active and is always a busy bee. She enjoys going for hikes, walks, bike rides, and running. She participates in a lot of triathlons and does yoga. She has a boot camp course aside from her job that she teaches and she likes to lead a healthy lifestyle. She is a huge animal lover and has the biggest heart. Her laugh is infectious and she can get along well with any crowd. She is extremely helpful, always dedicating her free time to helping friends, family or volunteering. She holds a food drive every year at Christmas for people who can’t afford a Christmas dinner. She has two boys who are grown and independent. She is a non smoker and a social drinker. She says she is a light drinker more likely but will have a glass of wine with friends or during the holidays. She is a fun girl to be around, very bubbly, outgoing, and friendly. She has a sweet demeanor about her and it’s quite charming.
If you or anyone you know would be a good fit for Tiff then let us know by giving us a call, emailing us or filling out a suitability test !