5 Positions That Help Keep The Intimacy in A Relationship

Date posted: March 9, 2018

69 is quite a common oral sex position, but not many people realize how intimate it actually is. To have your bodies so close and your mouths touching each other requires some trust. The Cowgirl position is great others for G-spot stimulation and amazing for emotional intimacy — a climax clincher for...

Top Ten Relationship Dealbreakers

Date posted: February 21, 2018

From never taking your feelings seriously to being selfish in bed, here are the top ten relationship deal breakers that indicate that you need to rethink your relationship! They call you degrading names such as ‘stupid’, ‘loser’, ‘idiot’, etc. Your partner’s selfish in bed and you both are on different...

Why Your Ex Wants To Get Back With You.

Date posted: February 21, 2018

You may be reading this title and thinking that there’s no way on earth that you’d ever get back together to your ex, are you certain that they share the same mentality as you do? Feelings of love tend to linger around for some time after a breakup, so there’s...

Why do we need dating coaches?

Date posted: February 21, 2018

A century ago dating was easy. We were born, we grew up, learnt life lessons and upon hitting adulthood, we simply paired off with who we deemed as satisfactory, creating a family and living out the rest of our lives with that one individual. So why did dating become much...

What Every Woman Wants You To Do For Valentine’s Day

Date posted: February 13, 2018

Surprisingly, it’s not jewelry, roses, or chocolates. We know why these last minute gifts look appealing; they’re easy and traditionally romantic, right? Wrong. She knows you picked these up on your lunch break when someone in the office reminded you that Valentine’s Day was in fact today and you had...

Why You’re Single – and Why It’s Not Your Fault

Date posted: February 9, 2018

It’s that time of year again, where you’re forced to reflect on your single relationship status and, to a degree, be made to feel guilty about it. But you shouldn’t, you’re amazing, and sometimes these things just can’t be helped. 1. You love your independence Of course it is possible...

Are you ‘Sex Stagnant’? Spice up Your Bedroom This Valentine’s

Date posted: February 6, 2018

Sex is everywhere — if we're not watching actual sex scenes on TV or in the movies, we're watching celebrities parade down red carpets practically naked. It's not just porn that sets unrealistic expectations for what's sexy anymore, and it can be hard to feel like you measure up when it comes time to get naked IRL

The perfect Valentine’s Day gifts

Date posted: February 2, 2018

Sure, we can just chalk it up to a Hallmark holiday. But what is so bad about dedicating one calendar to celebrating our love for someone? If you’re like us and enjoy giving in to your romantic side occasionally, these gifts are perfect for a little Valentine’s Day spoiling.

Should you spend a night with your ex?

Date posted: January 30, 2018

A friend once told me, “You should never break up with someone without a back-up plan.” I took her advice to heart. It just made sense. You wouldn’t leave an apartment without finding a new place to live first, so why would you leave a relationship without a solid plan of where to get your orgasms and feelings going forward? Still, there are times when one unexpectedly finds oneself in a period of sexual vagrancy—maybe you got dumped, or a bad fight ended your relationship abruptly, or your back-up plan just fell through. It happens to the best of us. It’s during this delicate and lonely state that we find ourselves doing what one should never do: sleeping with the ex.

Why You Should Block Your Ex

Date posted: February 8, 2018

Breakups are painful enough as it is, now with social media we have the ability to rub salt in the wound of missing somebody. Many of us fall into the toxic cycle of remaining attached to our exes through social media. Whether you’re using your accounts to check their Facebook/Instagram/Twitter daily, make posts that prove ‘just how great your life is now’, or use their location settings to “accidentally” bump into them – this is your intervention. Here are 5 reasons why you need to block your ex right now -

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