15 Reasons Drinking Beer Makes You Live Longer
Date posted: September 1, 2015
Good news, beer and alcohol lovers! Your favorite beverage is actually healthy for you. But, wait. This doesn’t mean you have an excuse to start chugging a case of beer. Just like anything good and delicious in this world, you get the health benefits if you consume them in moderation. Beer and...

7 Reasons You’re Not A Real Person Before Your First Cup Of Coffee
Date posted: September 1, 2015
Everyone has a morning routine. Some people need to get up early and do a little bit of cardio before doing anything productive. For others, it might be a breakfast pastry and the New York Times on the subway. For you, however, it’s always revolved around one specific — at times...

Top 12 Worst Ways to Break Up With Someone
Date posted: July 22, 2015
We SINCERELY advise you not to do #2 through #12! 1. In person. The most humane, if physically dangerous, way to break up. With the caveat that you should be prepared to be punched in the nuts and/or have a grown man openly weep in an Olive Garden. (Although don’t worry about...

14 Motivational Posters For Single People
Date posted: July 22, 2015
This is hilarious! Tired of the single life? Complete a Suitability Test! 1. View this image ›Kirsten King for BuzzFeed / pexels.com 2. View this image ›Kirsten King for BuzzFeed / pexels.com 3. View this image ›Kirsten King for BuzzFeed / pexels.com 4. View this image ›Kirsten King for BuzzFeed...

12 Embarrassing Moments That Every Couple Endures
Date posted: July 22, 2015
Yes, I’ve definitely been there before! What about you?! 1. Having your mom walk in on you with a big plate of muffins while you were already buttering each other’s muffins. If you dated in high school, or college, or after college when you lived at home, or that...

The 11 Realest Struggles of Summer Sex
Date posted: July 13, 2015
I think we can all agree to some extent at one point of time or another… 1. Your partner is hot AF. And no, not hot as in sexy; hot as in, “If you touch your body to my body, I will throw up and then die.” This is...

This Man Dressed as a Minion Wins Father of the Year Award
Date posted: July 13, 2015
Aw, this is adorable! Today in things that are better presented with minimal context: a Reddit user posted the above photo with the caption, “Father of the year award goes to this gentleman who was taking a very excited boy to the movies.” There is no further information confirming...

The 11 Least Sexy (But Most Accurate) Signs Of True Love
Date posted: July 3, 2015
Human beings are disgusting, OK? We collectively spend billions of dollars on toiletries and digestive enzymes trying to hide this fact, but when you’re in a committed relationship, you don’t hide anything from each other. So, as we prepare to collectively spend billions more on Valentine’s Day, let’s remember that...

He Found His Daughter Lying Naked Next To Her Boyfriend.
Date posted: July 3, 2015
If there’s one thing that is essentially challenging yet equally rewarding job in the world, then that would be no other than parenting. Aside from assuring that the basic necessities for all children are met, the social, emotional and psychological upbringing should also be compatible with the struggles that life...

7 Tips for Being a Great Wingman
Date posted: June 26, 2015
A good wingman or wingwoman (‘wingman’ is a gender-neutral term, like ‘ombudsman’) makes the tricky process of befriending strangers smooth and easy. A wingman is a self-sacrificing person who does whatever they can do help their point-friend score by gassing them up and making sure everyone is comfortable. For a...