Aphrodisiacs Proven to Spark Romance

Date posted: February 7, 2014

Reader’s Digest brings us this list of proven aphrodisiacs! Valentine’s Day dinner, anyone? “Oysters One of the most notorious aphrodisiacs, oysters are high in  zinc and have a reputation for being great for love and fertility. Researchers  recently found that oysters contain amino acids that trigger production of  sex hormones....

Find the Best Deals for Great Dates on Matchmaker Shopper!

Date posted: January 16, 2014

Don’t let a budget stand in the way of having an outstanding date! We’ve done the work to ensure you’re getting the best bang for your buck. Bet you never thought you could afford some of these activities without breaking the bank! Here are a couple of our favorites this week...

Marriage is Good for More than a Man’s Heart

Date posted: January 29, 2014

Marriage might be good for men’s bone health, but only if they get hitched when they’re in their mid-20s or older, a new study suggests. Researchers analyzed data from nearly 300 men across the United States, and found that men who married for the first time when they were 25 or...

Foods that Make You Look Younger

Date posted: December 12, 2013

MSN gives us tips on foods that make you look younger! “Sweet potatoes: Beta-carotene, which makes these tubers orange, balances your skin’s pH, helps combat dryness, and promotes cell turnover, all resulting in smoother skin. (Photo: Logan Mock-Bunting/Getty Images) Wild salmon: The pigment that makes the fish pink, astaxanthin, is...

Do you eat organic? You won’t like this!

Date posted: January 9, 2014

CBC News reports, “Nearly half the organic fresh fruits and vegetables tested across Canada in the past two years contained pesticide residue, according to a CBC News analysis of data supplied by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). Of the 45.8 per cent of samples that tested positive for some...

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