6 Reasons Why Making Fitness a Priority Benefits Your Relationships

Date posted: April 20, 2018

Taking good care of yourself can be a tall order in today’s world with so many demands on your time and energy. Balancing a career with a personal life, family, friends, volunteering, the usual errands, and other commitments often leaves little time to put towards yourself, and time dedicated to...

For Our Men: Tom Ford’s 10 Grooming Commandments

Date posted: November 25, 2013

GQ presents all you men (single or not)  with Tom Ford’s master grooming guidelines! “Clothes alone don’t make the man. Skin and hair are just as important. Which  is why Tom and his team of luxe whizzes have created a new line of top-shelf  grooming products, out this month. But before...

I Tested Khloé Kardashian’s Strong Looks Better Naked Recipes and Only Cried Twice

Date posted: November 9, 2015

If there’s one message Khloé Kardashian tries to hammer home in her new book Strong Looks Better Naked, it’s that changing her body changed her life, and that change like this is available to anyone who wants it. Even though I lack Khloé’s access to trainers and nutritionists (and, frankly,...

WHO: Processed Meats Like Bacon, Ham, Sausage Can Lead To Cancer

Date posted: October 26, 2015

It’s official: Ham, sausage and other processed meats can lead to colon, stomach and other cancers– and red meat is probably cancer-causing, too. While doctors have long warned against eating too much meat, the World Health Organization’s cancer agency gave the most definitive response yet Monday about its relation to...

What Your Food Cravings Are Telling You About Your Health

Date posted: October 2, 2015

There’s no surefire way to figure out exactly why you want to eat a particular food at a particular time. But some food cravings can hint at nutritional deficiencies or other health issues, according Joseph Colella, M.D., weight-loss expert and author of The Appetite Solution. So while food cravings aren’t the best diagnostic...

19 Delicious Healthy Low Calorie Dinner Ideas!

Date posted: September 11, 2015

Calorie counting is not for everyone! And that’s OK. But if you have certain goals, like building muscle, getting leaner, or losing weight, then being mindful of how much you’re eating can be super helpful to you. Something else that’s important is to make sure that the foods you eat...

7 Reasons To Exercise That Have Nothing To Do With Losing Weight

Date posted: September 11, 2015

Ah, exercise. You’ve probably spent a summer going on sweaty runs, checking out the newest spin studios and maybe even giving boxing a try. And it was awesome, right? But as we say goodbye to bonfires and beaches and look forward to sweaters and snuggling, we’re going to guess there’s...

15 Reasons Drinking Beer Makes You Live Longer

Date posted: September 1, 2015

Good news, beer and alcohol lovers! Your favorite beverage is actually healthy for you. But, wait. This doesn’t mean you have an excuse to start chugging a case of beer. Just like anything good and delicious in this world, you get the health benefits if you consume them in moderation. Beer and...

Are You Dating an Adrenaline Junkie?

Date posted: July 22, 2015

Does your partner drive you crazy with their ways? Here’s how to not drive them away!   I have always had a hard time respecting women who try to control their boyfriends. I want my boyfriend to be my equal, two strong individuals who make one team. It’s easy to become...

The Psychology Of Spontaneity: Why Some People Drop Everything And Go

Date posted: July 22, 2015

Do you need to add spontaneity to your life?   On Sunday mornings, I watch Joel Osteen. Being that I’m not a religious person, I suppose it’s a bit counterintuitive for me to spend weekend mornings watching a nationally televised mass,  but, still, there’s something about Osteen that makes me...

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