13 Things I Learned In My First Year Of Marriage

Date posted: July 22, 2015

Helpful hints for those marriage-minded first timers or not!

Why Traveling Makes You a Better Person

Date posted: July 17, 2015

Stuck in a rut of your every day routine? Here’s why you NEED to plan a trip!

Jennifer Aniston’s Engagement: How Long is Too Long?

Date posted: July 17, 2015

Jennifer and fiancé Justin have been engaged for over two years which begs the question: how long is too long?

10 Rules For A Happy Second Marriage

Date posted: July 17, 2015

Make it work this time around!

3 Reasons Why You Should Trust Your Heart With A Child Of Divorce

Date posted: July 17, 2015

Are you dating a child of divorce? If it makes you insecure about them why not have an honest conversation about it?

12 Things to Avoid Asking Your Boyfriend!

Date posted: July 17, 2015

We know you adore him but SOME questions are just a recipe for disaster!

Bachelor: Chris

Date posted: July 17, 2015

Chris is active and family oriented- he is looking for someone with these characteristics!

Bachelorette: Laura

Date posted: July 17, 2015

Laura is an adventurous person who loves being spontaneous.

Bachelor: Jason

Date posted: July 17, 2015

Just a country boy looking for this cowgirl!

11 Signs Your Guy Friend Wants to Be Your Boyfriend

Date posted: July 17, 2015

If you have that one person you’ve always wondered about why not take a chance?

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