Are you ready for Black Friday?
As tradition dictates, what primarily follows a great thanksgiving holiday is the amazing yet infamous Black Friday sale.
Where shopping becomes a sport and men and women become gladiators. Infamous because, we have all heard of the stories circulating about the riots and fights that break out as a result of the rush. Still, we line up, count down the days, minutes and seconds until the next Black Friday.
With Black Friday sales taking up the entire week, it is an understatement when I say you can find the most amazing deals during Black Friday. In anticipation to the day, thousands upon thousands of people; consisting of generations of families, strangers, friends, queuing up in front of beloved department stores, awaiting the magical doors to open.
It is particularly interesting to find that the majority of consumers these days would prefer to shop online. Aside from the amount of online discounts and coupons you receive when you shop online, there is a sense of achievement and euphoria that comes from knowing you can shop in the comfort of your own home. Not to mention, you don’t have to wait in any lines.
The sales can be summarised as a thrill ride, exhilarating and to some a rush. There is no other known sales event that can cause this much commotion as well as bring together people from such different walks of life. It is such an exciting time, that most people are known to revel in the rush of buying and spending. For some it is a tradition, preparing and counting down the days until the day has finally come.
We would like to hear from you! Is it considered a tradition to you? Who do you normally go with and where do you go to shop?
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