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A Taste of Our Bachelors

Greg is 48 years old. He lives in Minneapolis and is looking for a lady who will enjoy ranch life. He has large land, low maintenance, horses, chickens, pigs, dogs and cats. He loves the rural life and enjoys every second of his stunning personal scenery. He loves the sounds of the animals in the morning amongst the peacefulness of the land. He is very loving, compassionate and deep. He has a great understanding on life and is a very interesting fellow to speak too. He knows what he wants in life, he is very centered, grounded and whole. Want to speak to him?

Richard is 45 years old. He is a country man through and through. He lives in Fargo and is looking for someone who will want to be his cowgirl. He grew up on the farm and is a very hard working man. His hands are dirty and he clothes are covered in mud but his smile shines through and he treats his partner like a princess. He is a rugged type and can fix just about anything. He is a very simple man and enjoys simple pleasure. He is at peace in his life and is just needing love. Connect with him for free

Gary is 50 years old, he is never married, no children. He loves living life by traveling, fine dining, visiting wineries, cooking and exploring new cultures. He is a very smart man who likes to enjoy the finer things in life. He lives in Bismarck in North Dakota and is looking for a lady who will accompany him on his many adventures in life. Talk to him for free.

Derek is 30 years old, has one son who he loves to death and they both live in South Dakota. He loves teaching, it’s a big passion of his and he also loves being active. He works out, takes care of his body and eats clean. He shares 50% custody with his son and is a super dad. He loves wrestling around with his son, taking him to see movies and taking the dog to the park. He is a non-smoker, social drinker and is very social. He has a loud laugh and it’s very infectious. He is a big joke teller and loves to make a crowd laugh. If you or you know anyone who would be interested in speaking with him… fill out an online questionnaire here for free.
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