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7 Women Share Some of the Worst Dates of All Time


1. “He confessed that he is afraid of vampires and believes they’re real—to the point of refusing to say vampire out loud because then he might summon one.”—Susan A., 39


2. “An hour into our first date, he leaned over and honked my boob. Later, he texted, ‘I had a great time tonight! When can I see you again?'”—Chelsea S., 27


3. “For our first date, he surprised me by taking me to his high school reunion. Not sexy, dude.”—Adrianna S., 24


4. “He showed up 30 minutes late for our coffee date, then he told me he actually doesn’t like coffee. He wanted to leave and instead go together to Barnes & Noble to buy his LSAT books. That’s not my idea of a fun date!”—Ash R., 22


5. “I texted, and he invited me over. I helped him clean as we hung out. Then this girl lets herself in—they had a date. I was cleaning for another date to enjoy!—Dawn W., 28


6. “After our date, he sent me a bar graph that rated me—from my style to my humor. I scored low in tolerance and time management, probably because I ended it after an hour!”—Hayley G., 22


7. “On our date, he wore short sleeves, and I noticed his forearm tattoos…of hooded Klan members! Nope.—Maryann W., 20

This article was originally published as “Worst Dates Ever” in the June 2016 issue of Cosmopolitan
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