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6 Ways Food Can Help You Fight Stress

VancityBuzz shows us 6 ways food can help us fight stress! So think twice when you’re deciding what to eat!

“1. Complex Carbs + Protein = the end of Hangry

Chicken Chickpea Chopped Salad, full of fiber, lean protein and YUM!!
Complex carbs are those that have a more complex molecular structure. It takes longer for our bodies to break them down, and that means slower, more even digestion, as opposed to a quick spike and then crash. Protein also fuels us for longer. Trade in your Cap’n Crunch for a more natural, less sweet cereal. Try to choose foods that are as close as possible to their natural state–like shredded wheat or oatmeal. Add a punch of protein, like an egg, nut butter or cheese, and you’ll be good to go.

2. Make magnesium your friend

Chocolate Dipped Banana Cream Pops (with chopped nuts too)
Magnesium is a mineral that helps balance your electrolyte/salt balance. It’s also really important for your heart, and to help your immunity. Try to eat foods that are higher in magnesium. These include dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds, beans, fish, whole grains, bananas, figs, and dark chocolate.

3. Incorporate raw nuts & seeds into your day

Raw Nuts and Seeds
Carry a little bag of almonds or walnuts with you. Packed with protein, calcium and magnesium, this can make a great alternative to hitting a drive-through when you are starving. Seeds like hemp, sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, chia and buckwheat are so good for you, and it’s easy to sprinkle them on your oatmeal, salads, yogourt, or incorporate into your smoothie. I’ve been using and liking Ra Energy, a seed mixture that comes in a container for easy sprinkling.

4. Enjoy some Christmas Turkey!

apple-brined turkey recipe | 10 best turkey recipes | camille styles
Yep, it’s true: turkey contains tryptophan, which is what our bodies use to manufacture serotonin. Other sources of tryptophan include chicken, soybeans, and fish like tuna, salmon, cod and halibut.

5. Slow down and enjoy

'Rooftop Rendevous', United States, New York, New York City, Noho | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
One way to fight stress is to not eat over your computer. Try to create a positive emotional association with eating. That means taking a break, slowing down, savouring your food, spending time with family, and enjoying.

6. Here’s a low-stress dinner option

Red Sky Food: Slow Cooker White Bean Soup
In the morning, before you leave for work, peel a bunch of root vegetables (could include potatoes, yams, carrots, beets, turnips, parsnip and/or squash), cut them in chunks, and put them in your slow cooker. Add a thumb of ginger (peeled and chopped), a half an onion (peeled and chopped) and a couple of cloves of garlic. Cover with vegetable stock, and put the slow cooker on low while you’re at work. When you come home, puree the mixture in your blender, or with an immersion blender. Add a can of coconut milk, season, and reheat. Serve with a salad and crusty bread.”






Source: VancityBuzz
Images: Pinterest

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