23 Socially Awkward Moments You Encounter At Every Wedding
With wedding season coming up, Buzzfeed warns and reminds us of the many socially awkward moments that tend to come up at these social events!
“1. When you’re in the wedding party and are forced to wear terrible clothes.
3. When a bitter old relative tries to warn the bride and groom to change their mind.
Via imgur.com
5. When the kid who was probably too young to be invited inevitably starts crying two minutes into the ceremony.
Via imagesbuddy.com
6. When you realise that wedding ceremonies are amongst the dullest things in the world.
Via imgur.com
8. When you get to the “does anyone know of any lawful impediment” bit and have have to use all your self restraint not to say anything even though you know of no lawful impediment.
9. When the first kiss is a little too graphic and people don’t know where to look.
Via imgur.com
15. When they try to come up with a really original table plan, but you don’t have a clue what it says.
Via imgur.com
16. When you get to your table and find you’ve been sat next to a single person in a blatant attempt to set you up.
18. When you forget the name of the person you’re sat next to but it’s been too long to ask them again.
Via giphy.com
19. When you have to eat something you don’t really like through politeness.
20. When you get to that level of drunkness when you feel you HAVE to hook up with someone because it’s a wedding and that’s what people do.
22. This age old problem.
23. And finally when your drunk face ruins pretty much every photo taken throughout the entire day.”

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