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17 Delicious Ways To Turn Thanksgiving Leftovers Into Breakfast

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Minimalist Baker / BuzzFeed

1. Make savory breakfast sandwiches with leftover turkey, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce:

Just think of these as fuel for Black Friday. Get the instructions.

2. Toss together a one-pan breakfast hash with Brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes:

Skip the bacon for an easy vegetarian option. Get the recipe.

3. Or try turkey, cheese, and peppers:

Get the recipe.

4. Whisk sweet potato puree into pancake batter:

Pumpkin or squash puree works too. This version tops the stack with coconut chips and puffed grains (~for fancy times~) but there’s no reason why you can’t just stick with syrup. Get the recipe.

5. Make a quick fritatta with shredded turkey, eggs, and whatever leftover veggies you have on hand:

This one uses Brussels sprouts and green beans. Get the recipe.

6. Use day-old stuffing to make savory waffles, then top them with cranberry sauce:

These are a surprisingly simple way to repurpose leftover stuffing — just add stock to day-old stuffing, and place it into a (well-oiled) waffle iron. Instructions for both from-scratch and leftover versions here.

7. Finish off leftover bread and pumpkin puree with a make-ahead breakfast bake:

Just add a few pantry staples — like butter, eggs, and milk — and this is done in under an hour. To save even more time, you can also assemble this the night before, then bake it in the morning. Get the recipe.

8. Mix cranberry sauce into oatmeal muffins:

These freeze well, so you can make a big batch and save some for later. Get the recipe.

9. Or layer it with Greek yogurt:

Instant breakfast parfait. Get the instructions.

10. Or swirl it into cinnamon rolls:

11. Fry up a batch of mashed potato pancakes:

Just add cheese + scallions + flour + egg. Get the recipe.

12. Top off turkey and sweet potatoes with fresh avocado and egg:

Get the recipe.

13. Or dig into a turkey breakfast pizza:

Get the recipe.

14. Stir canned pumpkin into oatmeal:

This stovetop version is done in 10 minutes. Get the recipe.

15. Make a gloriously cheesy ham-and-turkey melt:

This version uses cold cuts from the deli, but chances are you’ll have even better stuff in your post-Thanksgiving fridge. Get the recipe.

16. Mix pumpkin puree into banana bread dough:

This one is lightened up with bit of Greek yogurt. Get the recipe.

17. And of course, top everything with Sriracha:

This turkey and chorizo hash will thank you for it. Get the recipe.







[via Buzzfeed]

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