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Halloween Treats to Exercise Your Creative Side!

16 Amazing Halloween Treats to Make -


Candy Dipped Strawberries


Use candy melts in various colors along with strawberries to make your favorite Halloween characters.

Ghost Cookies


You don’t need to do much to make these – the base is peanut butter sandwich cookies.

Boo Scotti


Make standard biscotti Halloween friendly by adding a cute ghost face.

Spooky Pancakes


This is a fun one for the kids on Halloween morning – who doesn’t love ghost pancakes?

Swirl Cookies


These cookies are so bright and awesome, I’d almost rather just look at them than eat them.

Dracula Donut


Making these scary donuts is as simple as using fake Dracula teeth and some candy.

Pretzel Patch


If you have pumpkin lovers in your family, they’ll eat up these cute pretzel treats.

Candy Corn People


These cute little marshmallow people wear candy corn suits, and are so easy to pop in your mouth.

Monster Pops


It takes a little patience, but you can make these monster lollies yourself with various types of candy.

Franken Cupcakes


Frankenstein is typically green, and that is why you use colored cones for this recipe.

Mummy and Monsters


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cuter family of Halloween monsters! These guys were made wtih sugar cookie dough and royal icing.

Pumpkin Cakes


Use regular cake mix and food coloring to make these fun and edible characters.

Frankenstein Brownies


Kids can help you decorate this treat, which is just regular brownies decorated with colored frosting and candies.

Sleeping Skeleton


If you know how to pipe icing, you’ll just need a skeleton and casket pan to make this cool cake.

Spider Webs


These spooky spider cupcakes are really easy to make – and I love the web technique.

Trick or Treat


These cookies hold either a trick or treat inside – depending on which one you choose.





[via DIY Candy]

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